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Our Purpose

There are approximately 150,000 children in the United States with amputations and in need of prosthetics.  Coach Pruitt's commitment will allow the Little Buddy Foundation to help at least one child in need of a prosthetic each year.  We hope that with your support, the Little Buddy Foundation can help even more children in the years to come.

The late coach Don Meyer was my dear friend and mentor.  He often said, "The more I think about myself, rather than serving others, is a miserable, wasted day."  As I watched him live his life, I saw these words become reality.  Coach Meyer's message has motivated me to create a foundation to continue his legacy.  The Little Buddy Foundation works to provide prosthetic limbs to children.  On behalf of this foundation, thank you for promoting our mission.

                                                                                                                            -Coach Greg Pruitt

"You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you." -John Wooden

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